Write a review in three easy steps...
- 1 - Click the blue review button just below the product image
- 2 - Login in to your account or register as a new customer
- 3 - Compose your review, rate the product, and post it!
How to write a great review
Try and make your review both informative and detailed.
Did you like or dislike the product? Say why.
Review the product itself, and not other issues such as delivery or availability.
Finally, imagine that you are considering purchasing the item. What key facts would you find helpful?
What not to include
We check all reviews before publishing them. To save you valuable time and effort, please note that we cannot post:
- Content not specific to the product being reviewed.
- Content that focuses on non-product issues, e.g. delivery, packaging or availability.
- Content that contains derogatory comments directed towards other reviewers.
- Content that might be considered sexually gratuitous, profane, unlawful, defamatory, libellous, abusive, incendiary, racially or sexually offensive, or obscene.
- Content that impersonates someone else.
- Spamming or advertising
- Personal information about anyone (including yourself), e.g. phone numbers, postal addresses, etc.
We reserve the right to remove or refuse to post any customer review we consider inappropriate.
Customer comments and reviews are an integral part of our website, and something we value a great deal. We look forward to reading your review shortly!